
Midweek groups give us the opportunity to support and encourage one another as we serve and follow Jesus, to enjoy one other’s company, and to be stretched and grow as we study God’s word, and to lift our prayers to God together as a community.

Mid-Week Prayer and Bible Study – Thursday evenings

Every Thursday – except the fifth Thursday of each month – we meet together to read the Bible and pray. Bible studies vary from stretching, focused series on particular Bible books or theological themes, to one-off devotions maximising space for prayerful response. We also invite visitors from other churches and mission projects in other countries to share what God is doing further afield.

Central Prayer Meeting

On the first Thursday of the month we gather as a church in the North Gate Hall to praise God and to pray for the needs of the world, the church and each other.  We begin with refreshments from 7pm and prayer from 7:30pm.

Home Groups

Our home groups meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at various homes across the city. They are a great way to connect with others in your area and to spend time studying the Bible and praying together.  On some weeks we also share a meal together. To find a home group near you, please contact us or speak to one of the staff members on Sunday.


The third Thursday of the month is our Reformed Confessions Study (Re:Con) at the North Gate Hall. We begin with refreshments from 7pm and study from 7:30pm.

Contact us  if you would like to know more, or check out the Re:Con Facebook page.